Airport to Arrival

So waking up early at about 4-something in the morning….I didn’t really care then! I’m off to Guatemala!! (BTW all excerpts from my journal are in italics).


7:50 am

Excitement! Boarding in half-an-hour. Whee! Customs was a breeze! God is good! Jamming on Martijn’s guitar. The sun is just breaking over the buildings of the airport.

I will say that God granted favor to me in the eyes of U.S. customs officers. Everything went smoothly and without a hitch. Honestly, customs aren’t something to be so afraid of, but if it’s your first time doing it on your own, I think I would be praying hard.


Arrived in Guatemala!! Thank God for safe trip and quick going-through customs. I am so excited! Tomorrow marks Day One officially with breakfast at 8 a.m.

The plane trip wasn’t too long. But it was a little boring. But nothing could dim the excitement that I (and I believe, we) have. I was particularly excited to see Dallas Airport for the first time and it was huge!! Then the touchdown in Guatemala. My thoughts were that only tomorrow will reveal what I would be in for.


Back from Guatemala!!

All right, I originally intended to blog as the trip progressed but having a busy schedule changed that.

So I will be posting what happened over the next few days. Some parts of the post will be direct excerpts from my journal.

As an overview, I just want to say how blessed I have been! God has been good, great, and awesome! Just everything was great! It has been a real eye-opener and so, here we go!


12 Days!

Excitement! Anticipation! Perhaps a little anxiety. But nonetheless, there are just 12 days to go! The Guatemala Mission Trip is coming up real soon. I am just sooooooooooooo excited that I would explode!

But excitement aside, I do suppose it is a time of seriously as we go through the final stages of preparing and gearing up. I probably mentioned what we would do in a previous post but I’ll restate what we will do there. We will 1) help renovate a family’s house. They have lost their parents, and I just think that this is a great way to show love by helping them with their house. 2) run a VBS for the Guatemalan kids. We will be doing sports and telling Bible stories as well as teaching them English.

Prayer is key as we prepare. To all readers out there, help us by praying for us. Please pray, pray, pray! We need God in this. It’s not about us; it’s about Him!. We have to rely on Him. (John 15:5 says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”) Pray for strength to serve. Pray for the hearts of the people to be receptive to the truth. Pray for protection while we prepare and as we are there.

The clock’s ticking.

I’ll quote a friend to close this: “Let’s build God’s Kingdom together!!” Martijn Van Ramshort

The Love of God

I love Leeland. A great band, great music. But one of their songs was very poetical. At the end of the song I Can See Your Love from their album The Great Awakening, there is a really great stanza.

Could we with ink the ocean fill

And were the skies of paper made

Every tree on earth a quill

And every man a scribe by trade

To write the love of God above

Would drain the ocean dry

Nor could this globe contain the whole

Though stretched from sky to sky

BAM! It totally just captures the love of God in a nutshell. It’s so infinite, it’s so unfailing, it’s so great and awesome to the point the whole WORLD cannot hold it. Plus it’s just so great as a poem. The love of God. Wow.
